Lekcja szkolna języka angielskiego dla początkujących.

Napisz o sobie. Używaj dużych liter i kropek. Następnie używajac podobnych zdań napisz o swoim partnerze.

Write about yourself using sentences.

Napisz podobnie o sobie używając poniższych zdań.


My name is Jane. I am 46 years old and live in Southampton. I like coffee and spicy food. I don't like meat and I don't like coca cola. I like dancing but I don't like doing housework. I have a brother. His name is Peter and he is 42. He is a doctor. I also have a doughter. Her name is Sofia. She is 15 years old and is a student. Every day I walk to work. Every week I visit my mother. To stay healthy I eat fruit and go to the gym.

Ok, a teraz uzywając ponizszych zdań opisz swojego partnera.

Write about your partner in sentences.


My partner's name is Julia. She is 35 years old and lives in London. She is a nurse. She likes eating fruit and drinking green tea. She doesn't like fatty food or fizzy drinks. She likes running but she doesn't like shopping. She has husband. His name is John and he is a bus driver. He is 40 years old. She also has a son. He is 4 years old and is called Thomas. Every day she goes running and every week she goes to the cinema on a Saturday. To stay healthy she runs and eats fruit and vegetables every day.