hijacker - porywacz samolotu / approximately - w przybliżeniu, około / over - przez, na, nad

pleasant - przyjemny / round and round - w kółko / drank - past of drink - pić

difference - różnica / dark - ciemny / clouds - chmury / so - a zatem, więc / head - głowa

some time later - trochę czasu później / goin down - schodząc / came - past of come -

przychodzić / came out - wyszedł / still - nadal, ciągle, stale / extremely - niezwykle, skrajnie

hold - trzymać / parachute - spadochron / fainted - past of faint - zemdleć

'Good afternoon. This is your hijacker speaking. We are now flying at 550 miles per hour at a height of 29 000 feet. In aproximately one and a half hours we will be over the north of Scotland. I wish you a pleasant flight.'

Judy's had was going round and round. First Sam, then the police, and now the hijacker. Where would it all end? Life was really much to complicated. She drank her whisky. It didn't make any difference.

She looked out of the window. The sky was full of big dark clouds.

So was her head.

Some time later the plane started going down. The pilot's door opened, and the hijacker came out, still holding his gun. He walked up to her and smiled.

'You know,' he said, 'you really are extremely beautiful. Come and put on your parachute.' Judy fainted.