check in - odprawa / go through - przejść przez / plane - samolot / find - znaleźć
a seat by the window - miejsce przy oknie / sit down - usiąść / by her - przy niej / look - patrzeć
at him - na niego / tall and dark - wysoki i ciemny / very well dressed - bardzo dobrze ubrany
be interested in something - interesować się czymś / not interested - nie interesować się
straight nose - prosty nos / a wide humorous mouth - szerokie, humorystyczne usta
sensitive fingers - wrażliwe palce / incredibly handsome - niesamowicie przystojny
'Single to Rio de Janeiro, please,' says Judy.
'First class or tourist?'
'Oh, tourist, please.'
Judy checks in and goes through passport control to the departure gate.
On the plane, she finds a seat by the window. A young man comes and sits down by her.
Judy looks at him. He is tall and dark, about 25, and very well dressed.
Judy is not interested in him.
He has dark brown eyes, a straight nose, a wide humorous mouth, and strong brown hands with long sensitive fingers. He is incredibly handsome. Judy looks out of the window.