Żegnamy się z bohaterami naszego opowiadania. Jak wam się podoba nauka języka angielskiego przy zabawnych historyjkach? fly - flew - flown - latać / peacefull - spokojnie / instead - zamiast / it's much nicer - to jest o wiele milsze / others - inni / that came from the seats behind - która dobiegła z tyłu siedzenia / have some more champagne - napij się więcej szampana / you've got beautiful eyes - masz piękne oczy / can ghosts get married? - czy duchy mogą się żenić / sounds - brzmienie / are you really terribly rich? jesteś naprawde strasznie bogaty? / how did you get your money? jak zdobyłeś pieniądze / why did you really hijack that plane? - dlaczego naprawdę porwałeś ten samolot? / I'll = I will tell you later - powiem ci później
As the plane flew peacefully south-west across the Atlantic. Judy put her head on Jasper's shoulder and closed her eyes.
'I'm so glad I'm in love with you instead of Sam,' she said.
'It's much nicer. I'm sure we're going to be very happy together. Do you think the others will be all right?'
'I think so,' said Jasper, and kissed her.
Judy listened to the fragments of conversation that came from the seats behind.
'Isabel, you are my favourite detective. Will you teach me to swim?'
'Have some more champagne, ghost.'
'Yes, please. Call me MacDonald.'
'You've got beautiful eyes, Sam.'
'Can ghosts get married?'
'Sounds all right,' said Judy.
'Tell me, are you really terrible rich? How did you get your money? What do you do, actually? How did you get to know Sam? Why did you really hijack that plane?'
'I'll tell you later,' said Jasper.
'It's a long story.'