Zbliżamy się do końca naszej edukacyjnej historyjki. Do końca pozostały dwa opowiadania.
down at the bottom - na dole w głebi / calm - spokój, cisza / scratched - podrapał się / usually - zazwyczaj / go up - wchodzić / surface - powierzchchnia / during - podczas / the ligh thurt her eyes - światło raniło jej oczy / get - dostawać / bored - znudzony / mind - rozum, umysł / to do except - zrobić wyjatek / talk - rozmowa / fish - ryba / yawned - ziewnęła / stretched - przeciągnęła się / started swimming slowly up towards the light - zaczęła płynąć powoli w stronę światła / reached - dotarł do / stuck her head - wynużyła swoją głowę / fairly quiet place - dość ciche miejsce / seemed - wydawało się / to be going on - działy sie dziwne rzeczy / on the bank of the loch - na brzegu jeziora / some soldiers got out and lay down - jacyś żołnierze wyszli i położyli się / The bus driver cought sight of the Monster and drove into the loch - kierowca zobaczył potwora i wjechał do jeziora / stood with their mouths open - stały z otwartymi ustami / crashed into each other - zderzyły się ze sobą / taking photographs - robić zdjęcia - fotografować / went back down - poszła z powrotem na dół
Down at the bottom of Loch Ness, thinks were very calm. The Monster scratched her ear with the third leg on the right and decided that it what time to do something. She didn't usually go up to the surface during the day because the light hurt her eyes, but she was getting bored out of her mind sitting down at the bottom of the loch with nothing to do except talk to the fish. She scratched her ear again, yawned, stretched, and started swimming slowly up towards the light.
Five minutes later, the Monster reached the surface, stuck her head and fifteen metres of neck out of the water, and looked around. She closed her eyes and opened them again. It was a little difficult to understand what happening. Scottland was generally a fairly quiet place, but today a lot of things seemed to be going on.
On the bank of the loch, two women were fighting. A man was trying to stop them; another man was trying to learn to swim. The road was full of cars with pretty blue lights on top, comming from all directions. A helicopter landed on the bank of the loch and some soldiers got out and lay down. There was a bus driving along very slowly with the driver looking out of the window. The bus driver cought sight of the Monster and drove into the loch. The two women stoped fighting and stood with their mouths open. All the police cars crashed into each other. A sports car stoped and a woman got out and started taking photographs.
It was all to much. The Monster closed her eyes and went back down to the bottom of the loch.