get got got - dostać / impatient - zniecierpliwiony / was getting a little impatient - była już trochę zniecierpliwiona / hurry - pośpiech / rest - reszta, inne / overnight - całą noc / stick stuck stuck - zablokować, zatrzymać / seemed - past of seem - wydawało się / get past - ominąć / Calm down Mary, she said to herself - Uspokój się Mary, powiedziała do siebie / You've got plenty of time - Masz mnóstwo czasu / drove up - past of drive up - podjeżdżała, wjeżdżała / the Investigation of Strange and Unexplained Phenomena - Towarzystwo Badania Dziwnych i Niewyjaśnionych Zjawisk / flying saucers - latające spodki / of that kind - tego rodzaju / She had never yet seen anything in Loch Ness - Nigdy nie widziała jeszcze nic w Loch Ness / She had a feeling - miała przeczucie / though - chociaż, aczkolwiek / Somehow, she just knew. - Jakoś po prostu widziała / A sudden noise brought her out of her dreams - Nagły hałas przyniósł ją z jej rozmyślań / sirens howling - syreny wyjące / frowned - zmarszyła brwi / It's no use making all that noise - To nie ma sensu cała ta wrzawa / You will never get past the bus - nigdy nie ominiecie autobusu
In her black Porshe, Dr Wagner was getting a little impatient. She was in a hurry to get to her hotel in Inverness and have above and a rest, after driving overnight from London. But for the last fifteen miles she had been stuck behind a bus the was driving very slowly in the middle of the road, and it seemed impossible to get past. 'Calm down Mary,' she said to herself. 'You've got plenty of time.'
She started thinking about the holiday that was just staring. Every year, she drove up to the Scottish Highlands and spend two weeks looking for the Loch Ness Monster. Doctor Wagner was a member of the West London Society for the Investigation of Strange and Unexplained Phenomena, and she was very interested in monsters, gosts, flying saucers and things of that kind. She had never yet seen anything in Loch Ness, but she always had wonderful holiday and went back home feeling happy and relaxed. She had a feeling about this year, though. This year was going to be special. Somehow, she just knew.
A sudden noise brought her out of her dreams. She looked in the mirror. Behind her, there road was full of police cars, with lights flashing and sirens howling. Doctor Wagner frowned. She didn't like police cars.
'It's no use making all that noise,' she said.
'You'll never get past the bus.'