call - rozmowa telefoniczna, dzwonienie, wołanie / calling all cars - wzywam wszystkie samochody / believe - wierzyć / The hijackers are believed to be in the Loch Ness area - Porywacze uważa się, że są na obszarze Loch Ness / after leaving - po opuszczeniu / proceed - postępować, kontynuować / vicinity - sąsiedztwo, pobliże, okolica / begin search - zacząć poszukiwania / description - opis / follow - pójść, pojechać - za kimś, za czymś / Description as follows - Opis w nastepujacy sposób / robberies - rabunki, kradzieże / He's carrying a gun - On nosi broń / may be dangerous - może być niebezpieczny / nationality unknown - narodowość nieznana / Nothing is known about her identity - Nic nie wiadomo o jej tożsamości / approach - podejście, bliskośc / Approach these people with caution - Podchodzić do tych ludzi z ostroznością
'North-East Highlands Police Control, calling all cars. Calling all cars. The hijackers of the Boeing 707 from Rio are believed to be in the Loch Ness area after leaving the plane by parachute about twenty minutes ago. Proceed at once to the vicinity of Castle Clandonald and begin saerching.
Description as follows:
Man, British, 22px hight, dark hair, small moustache, small brown eyes, wearing a blue suit and blak shoes. He is believed to be Sam Watson, who is wanted in connection with a series of bank robberies. He is carrying a gun, and may be dangerous.
Woman, nationality unknow, tall, blonde, blue eyes, attractive, athletic build, wearing dark clothes and shoes. Nothing is known about hair identity.
Approach these people with caution. Repeat, approach with caution.'