Sam went under and came up.- Sam poszedł pod i wyłonił się. / shouted - past od shout - krzyczeć / passed - past of pass - przechodzić / Sam's life passed in front of his eyes. - Życie Sama stanęło mu przed oczami. / childhood - dzieciństwo / robbery - rozbój, rabunek / lovely - piękny / strokes - plural of stroke - cios, uderzenie / started pulling - zaczęła ciągnąć / towards - w kierunku / while - podczas / the kiss of life - pocałunek życia - metoda usta - usta / I suppose we'd better go back - przypuszczam, że lepiej wrócić / pity - litość, współczucie / I was hoping for a quiet morning's fishing. - Miałem nadzieję na ciche poranne wędkowanie. / rowed - past of row - wiosłować, pływać łodzią / creature - stworzenie, istota / tears streaming down her face - łzy spływały po jej twarzy / mind - umysł, rozum / I've made up my mind - podjąłem decyzję / She turned round and looked across the road - ona odwróciła się i spojrzała w poprzek drogi / fell fall follen - 1 forma czsownika 2 i 3 - upadać, spadać / Judy's mouth fell open - Usta Jydy otworzyły się - ze zdziwienia - opadła jej szczęka
Sam and Detective Sergeant Honeybone hit the water together. Sam went under and came up.
'Help !' he shouted, going under again.
'I can't swim !' he shouted, as he came up again and went under for the third time.
Sam's life passed in front his eyes as he went down, down, down into the green water. His childhood in London. Visiting his mother and father in prison. His first girlfriend. His first bank robbery. Judy. Judy. He would never see her again.
'Don't worry, you lovely man,' called Detective Sergeant Honeybone.
'I'm an Olimpic 400-metre gold medalist.' she swam over to him with beautiful strong strokes, caught him under the arms us he came up again, and started pulling him towards the boat.
'Hello, Isabel,' said Jasper as they pulled Sam out of the water.
'What are you doing here? And why have you got Sam with you? He's the last person I want to see.'
'It's a long story,' said Detective Sergeant Honeybone.
'I'll tell you later. Wait while I give Sam the kiss of life,' said Sam.
'Oh yes you do,' said Detective Sergeant Honeybone.
'All right,' said Jasper.
'I suppose we'd better go back to the castle and find you some dry clothes. Pity. I was hoping for a quiet morning's fishing.' He rowed the boat over the bank of the loch and they got out.
Detective Sergeant Honeybone picked up Sam in her beautiful strong arms and they started walking down the road towards the castle. As they passed the bus stop, Jasper walked over to Judy, who was staring up at the sky.
'Good morning, you beautiful creature,' he said.
'Going shopping? Don't forget lunch is at 12.30.'
Judy turned her back, tears streaming down her face.
'Don't talk to me about lunch,' she said.
'I'm going to Rio to see Sam.'
'But Sam's here,' said Jasper.
'Don't try to talk me out of it,' said Judy.
'I've made up my mind, and I ... what did you say ?'
She turned round and looked across the road. There was Detective Sergeant Honeybone, standing with a soft smile on her lips looking down at Sam, who was lying in her arms with his eyes closed. Judy's mouth fell open.