Lesson 14
quarter ćwierć
How much is a quarter of forty? Ten is a quarter of forty.
How much is a quarter of thousand? Two hundred and fifty is a quarter of thousand.
What's a quarter of ten? Two and a half is a quarter of ten.
What's a quarter of five? One and a quarter is a quarter of five.
teach uczyć kogoś learn uczyć się Spanish hiszpański
Are you teaching me English? No, I'm not teaching you English, but I'm learning English for you.
Do you learn Spanish? No, I don't learn Spanish.
Do you like learning a language? Yes, I like learning a language.
Does he/she like learning a language? Yes, he likes learning a language.
easy łatwy difficult trudny grammar gramatyka
Is English grammar difficult? No, English grammar isn't difficult, but it's easy.
Is Chinese an easy language to learn? No, Chinese isn't an easy language to learn, but it's difficult language to learn.
Is it difficult for you to speak your language? No, it isn't difficult for me to speak my language, but it's easy.
Is it generally easy for people to write with their left hands?
No, it isn't generally easy for people to write with their left hands, but it's difficult.
hang powiesić map mapa
What's my pen doing? Your pen's hanging between your finger and your thumb.
What's hanging from the ceiling? The light's hanging from the ceiling.
Is there a map hanging on that wall? Yes, there's a map hanging on that wall.
by czym? car samochód bus autobus train pociąg school szkoła
Do you go home after the lesson by car, by bus, by train or do you walk home? I go home after the lesson by bus.
Which do you prefer, to walk or go by car? I prefer to walk.
Do you come to school by train or by bus? I come to school by bus.
Does she come to school by trin or by bus? She comes to school by bus.
married żonaty, zamężna single niezamężna, nieżonaty
Are you married? No, I'm not married.
Is Mr. Brown single? No, Mr. Brown isn't single, but he's married.
husband mąż wife żona
Has Mr. Brown a wife? Yes, Mr. Brown has a wife.
Has Mrs.Brown a husband? Yes, Mrs.Brown has a husband.
Is Mrs.Brown's husband standing behind the house?
No, Mrs.Brown's husband isn't standing behind the house, but he's standing in fron of the house.
mother matka father ojciec
What's your mother's name? My mother's name is Maria.
What's your father's name? My father's name is Franco.
What's your father's wife's name? My father's wife's name is Maria.
What's your mother's husband's name? My mother's husband's name is Franco.
child dziecko children dzieci
What's the plural of child? The plural of child is children.
How many children have your mother and father? My mother and fother have four children.
Are you your father's only child? No, I'm not my father's only child.
Dictation 4
We are / in fron of them, / and they are / behind us. / There are / five vowels / in the English alphabet, / a e i o u. /
I'm the teacher / and you're the pupil. / Thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred, a thousand,
a million. / Firty plus firteen / equals forty three. / There's a shoe / on the floor. / This is / neither a sock /
nor a jacket, / but it's a suit. / Now put the book here, / please.