between pomiędzy dwoma rzeczami

Which letter's between D and F? E's between D and F.

Which letter's between H and J? I's between H and J.

Which letter's between Q and S? R's between Q and S.

us nas, nam

Where's the table? The table's infront of us.

Are the walls in front of us? No, the walls aren't in front of us, but they're behind us.

Is the table behind us? No, the table isn't behind us, but it's in front of us.

them ich, im

Where's the house? The house's behind them.

Are you behind them? No, I'm not behind them, but I'm in front of them.

Am I in front of them? No, you aren't in front of them, but you're behind them.

pupil uczeń teacher nauczyciel

Am I the pupil? No, you aren't the pupil, but you're the teacher.

Are you the teacher? No, I'm not the teacher, but I'm the pupil.

thirty 30

forty 40

fifty 50

sixty 60

seventy 70

eighty 80

ninety 90, hundred 100, thousand 1000, million number numer

What number's this? 30 ... etc.

What numbers are these? 30, 13 , 40, 14 ... etc.

What number's this? 313, 1815, 1.950.630

plus plus equals równa się two plus two equals four 2+2 = 4

What's this? It's two plus two equals four.

how much? ile , dla rzeczy niepoliczalnych

How much is thirteen plus five? Thirteen plus five equals eighteen.

How much is eighteen plus forty? Eighteen plus forty equals fifty eight.

How much is sixty plus nineteen? Sixty plus nineteen equals seventy nine.

How much is sixteen plus thirty? Sixteen plus thirty equals forty six.

How much is ninety plus fifteen? Ninety plus fifteen equals one hundred and five.

How much is five plus ten? Fife plus ten equals fifteen.

How much is six plus three? Six plus three equals nine.

How much is twenty plus fifteen? Twenty plus fifteen equals thirty five.

How much is ten plus thirty? Ten plus thirty equals forty.

there's jest there is

Is there a pen on this book? Yes, there's a pen on this book.

Is there a light on the ceiling? Yes, there's a light on the ceiling.

Is there a table in this room? Yes, there's a table in this room.

there are now teraz

Is there a pen on the book? Yes, there's a pen on the book.

Are there two pens on the book now? Yes, there are two pens on the book now.

Are there twelve chairs in this room? Yes, there are twelve chairs in this room.

Are there two pictures on these walls? Yes, there are two pictures on these walls.

there isn't nie ma (liczba pojedyńcza) there is not

Is there a pen on the book? No, there isn't a pen on the book.

Is there a book on the floor? No, there isn't a book on the floor.

Is there a chair on the table? No, there isn't a chair on the table.

there aren't nie ma (l.mnoga) there are not

Are there two chairs on the table? No, there aren't two chairs on the table.

Are there a hundred pictures in this room? No, there aren't a hundred pictures in this room, but there are two pictures

in this room.

Are there a thousand chairs in this room? No, there aren't a thousand chairs in this room, but there are twelve chairs

in this room.

high wysokie low niskie

Is the chair high? No, the chair isn't high, but it's low.

Is the wall low? No, the wall isn't low, but it's high.

Is the table high? No, the table isn't high, but it's low.